Σάββατο 4 Ιουλίου 2009

blueseventy on the blocks for European Junior Championships

30 June 2009

blueseventy on the blocks for European Junior Championships

Swimmers at the European Junior Championships will be able to wear
blueseventy bodysuits in Prague next month after LEN, the European swimming
federation, corrected an earlier statement saying they would not be

An initial statement from LEN on 24 June indicated that blueseventy suits
would not be allowed, but the governing body had not been in touch with
blueseventy regarding the matter. LEN indicated that they would go with
FINAs approved suit list of 19 May 2009, disregarding the recently updated
list, which includes all current models of blueseventy bodysuits.

A later statement reversed this, indicating that ‘the latest published list
(FINA PR46, June 22nd) of approved swimsuits will be respected at all LEN
Events (including Open Water Swimming events) until further notice from

blueseventy welcomes this amendment, enabling the Europe’s leading juniors
to compete under exactly the same conditions as the seniors.

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